Code of Conduct
The School District of DeSoto County strives to foster an atmosphere of learning and informed decision making wherein students can be successful with an understanding of expectations, process, rights, consequences and opportunity for success. The Code of Student Conduct outlines the rights and responsibilities of students, behavioral expectations, prohibited conduct, and an overview of the conduct process. Definitions for terminology as well as acronyms used throughout the Code of Student Conduct may be found throughout the document as well as within Appendix II. The School Board of DeSoto County approves the Code of Student Conduct annually. This document is distributed to all stakeholders via hard copy or electronic means.
2024-2025 Code of Student Conduct
Dropout Prevention Plan
This Dropout Prevention Plan is created and/or reviewed annually by the School District of DeSoto County’s Dropout Prevention Task Force as a means to raise the graduation rate as well as decrease the dropout rate for the School District of DeSoto County. This plan contains historical information pertaining to the District's dropout and graduation rates. Within the plan focus areas identified and strategies addressing each focus area are included. This plan is presented to and approved by the School Board of DeSoto County annually.
2024-2025 Dropout Prevention Plan
Mental Health Assistance Plan
The School District of DeSoto County has constructed a Mental Health Assistance Plan to provide internal structures as well as external support to identify and address the mental health needs of the students, including: Identification, assessment, diagnosis, intervention, treatment and recovery. This plan is updated annually and is approved by the School Board and submitted to the Florida Department of Education for approval.
2024-2025 Mental Health Assistance Plan
2024-2025 Mental Health Assistance Plan Planned Expenditures
Required Instruction
Florida Statutes provides for required courses and instruction to ensure that students meet State Board of Education-adopted standards. Most specifically, members of the instructional staff of the public schools, subject to the rules of the State Board of Education and the district school board, shall teach efficiently and faithfully, using the books and materials required that meet the highest standards for professionalism and historic accuracy, following the prescribed courses of study, and employing approved methods of instruction. Below is the report for the School District of DeSoto County’s Required Instruction Implementation Plan.