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The School District of DeSoto County is a proud member of the Bay Area Schools Purchasing Consortium (BASPC)

Mission:  Promote and maintain high ethical values and purchasing practices that are in accordance with the State Statutes and School Board Policies, which include:

  • Acquisition of products and services in an efficient and effective manner.
  • Expending public dollars in a way that instills public trust in the School Board’s Procurement System.
  • Promote products and services that best contribute to improving student achievement.


Michelle Sikes
Purchasing Specialist
530 LaSolona Ave.
Arcadia, FL 34266

Disclaimer Statement/Notice:

The information contained here is being provided as a service to our customers and to the community. Due to its dynamic nature, we cannot guarantee the information contained herein is current or complete at all times. Every effort has been made to assure its accuracy at the time it was posted.

The Purchasing Department is a Division of the Business Services Department.