English for Speakers of Other Languages
The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) page is designed to meet the needs of English Language Learners (ELLs) who come from homes where the native language is one other than English
- ELL students may have difficulty understanding, speaking, reading and writing in English without additional instruction. Currently, these students represent over seven languages and are assisted by ESOL Program Services based on eligibility.
- ELL students receive classroom instruction using research-based, effective teaching methods. In addition, bilingual assistants help students in content area classes and provide assistance to families to improve communication between the home and the school community.
Our Program Goals:
To help students attain English Language Proficiency so they may succeed and excel in all areas of academics.
To provide instruction that satisfies diverse cultural and language needs.
- To promote an appreciation of different cultures in the community and their contributions to society.
Please reference the link below for additional resources:
District English Language Learners (ELL) Plan