Professional Certification Information
certification renewal
Renewing Your Certificate (Transcript)
GENERal renewal requirements
120 in-service points to include 20 hours in teaching student with disabilities (SWD) during the last validity period of the Professional Certificate (regardless of position) is required to renew the certificate.
methods of renewal
- In-service Points: 1 hour = 1 in-service point
- College Classes: 1 semester hour = 20 in-service points
- Subject Area Exam: 1 passing score = 60 in-service points
- Teaching a College Class: 1 semester hour = 20 in-service points
certificate renewal tips
TIP 1: If you need to reset your password on the FLDOE Online Licensing Service Site you can do so on the Home Page or you can do so by e-mailing: https://flcertify.fldoe.org/. If you choose to e-mail you will need to include the following information: full name, DOE number (can be found on your certificate), e-mail address, and phone number. If you choose the e-mail option it will take a few days to obtain a response from the FLDOE.
TIP 2: Submit your renewal application by March (or earlier) to try to obtain updated certificates prior to the end of the school year.
TIP 3: It is recommended that you review your points throughout your validity period in TRACK to ensure that you have enough when you recertify.
educational Leardership/School Principal renewal requirements (20 points)
An educator whose application for renewal of a professional certificate in educational leadership or school principal with a beginning validity date of July 1, 2025, or later must have earned at least one (1) college credit or twenty (20) inservice points in Florida’s educational leadership standards found in Rule 6A-5.080, F.A.C. Below is a list of courses that can assist you at earning these points. After a course is complete you can e-mail the certificate to Caitlin McHargue (Caitlin.McHargue@desotoschools.com) in the Department of Human Resources and she will update TRACK (our system that keeps record of professional learning completions/points). If you are taking multiple courses it is requested that you submit the certificates at the same time.
Vector Solutions Courses* (Vector Solutions can be accessed via Classlink) - FREE
STUDENT WITH DISABILITIES renewal requirements (20 points)
As of July 1, 2014, to renew a professional certificate an educator must have earned at least one (1) college credit, twenty (20) inservice points, or a combination thereof, in the instruction of students with disabilities during the last validity period of the certificate to be renewed and prior to the expiration date of the certificate. Below are links to Professional Learning Systems that can assist you at earning these points. Be sure that you select courses specifically related to instructing students with disabilities. After a course is complete you can e-mail the certificate to Caitlin McHargue (Caitlin.McHargue@desotoschools.com) in the Department of Human Resources and she will update TRACK (our system that keeps record of professional learning completions/points). If you are taking multiple courses it is requested that you submit the certificates at the same time.
Vector Solutions Courses* (Vector Solutions can be accessed via Classlink) - FREE
BEESS Portal to Professional Learning Alternatives* -FREE
FDLRS Heartland - FREE
Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources System (FDLRS)* - FREE
Beacon Educator* Look for modules that state the following within the description: This module addresses Florida's professional learning requirements from SB 1108 - Students with Disabilities (SWD). - There is a cost associated with taking these courses.
College Courses - If you have taken college course(s) you feel may satisfy this requirement please send the unofficial transcript and a course syllabus to Manuelita Lara in HR.
reading 40 points for renewal - applicable to many areas of certification (new - 40 points)
Renewal applicants as of June 2025 and thereafter with one or more of the areas of certification listed below must take earn 40 in-service points in the use of explicit, systematic, and sequential approaches to reading instruction, developing phonemic awareness, and implementing multi-sensory intervention (Rule 6A-4.0051, F.A.C.) .
- Elementary Ed. (K-6)
- Prekindergarten/Primary Education (ages 3-grade 3)
- Elementary Ed. (grades 1-6)
- Primary Education (grades K-3)
- English (grades 1-6)
- Middle Grades English (grades 5-9)
- Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum (grades 5-9)
- English (grades 6-12)
- Reading (K-12)
- Reading (Endorsement)
- English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL K-12) (not required for ESOL Endorsement
- Exceptional Student Education (K-12).
See the linked flyer for more information about the Reading 40. Below is a list of courses that can assist you at earning these points.
Reading Endorsement Courses (Literacy Solutions - can be accessed via Classlink)
(can be taken individually to meet Reading 40 requirements)
Beacon Educator* Look for modules that state the following within the description: This module addresses Florida's professional learning requirements from HB 7069 (Reading Instruction). - There is a cost associated with taking these courses.
UF Flamingo Literacy Micro-credentials for Elementary and Secondary - FREE
College Courses - If you have taken college course(s) you feel may satisfy this requirement please send the unofficial transcript and a course syllabus to Manuelita Lara in HR.
BEESS Portal to Professional Learning Alternatives* -FREE
*After a course is complete please send the certificate via e-mail to Caitlin McHargue in the Department of Human Resources and she will update TRACK (our system that keeps record of professional learning completions/points). If you are taking multiple courses it is requested that you submit the certificates at the same time.
Temporary Certification Information
It is important for all educators with Temporary Certificates to pay close attention to the requirements on the Official Statement of Status of Eligibility received by the Florida Department of Education as this document outlines everything a given educator needs to obtain a Professional Certificate. Below is information that will address common elements that are on Official Statement of Status of Eligibility to assist you in completing these requirements.
Please note that the School District of DeSoto County does offer a FREE program that is available to all teachers that will satisfy coursework requirements outlined on an Official Statement of Status of Eligibility. This program is called the Professional Development Certification Program (PDCP).
professional development certification program
The Professional Development Certification Program is a 2-year program designed to develop quality teachers by offering professional education preparation via online learning and mentor support. To support job-embedded learning, unique support teams are built for teacher candidates pairing each with an onsite experienced content area coach and an offsite task assessor teacher with subject area expertise. By choosing this program as a means of obtaining professional teaching certification, teacher candidates are committing to successfully satisfying all FLDOE required components. The PDCP requires the dedication of a substantial amount of professional learning time as a long-term investment in becoming a highly proficient educator. Participation in this program will satisfy coursework requirements, Professional Education Exam requirement will be satisfied, and the Professional Education Competency Program (PEC) outlined on the Official Statement of Status of Eligibility will be satisfied. Please contact Kristie Joens (kristie.joens@desotoschools.com) to register for or more information about the program.
The Official Statement of Status of Eligibility may indicate courses that need to be taken. These may be taken at a college or university of your choice if you so choose; however there will be a cost involved. The School District of DeSoto County offers the Professional Development Certification Program as well. This program is free and will satisfy the coursework requirements.
professional education exam
If your Official Statement of Status of Eligibility required that you pass the Professional Education Exam please note that there is one waiver option which is completion of the PDCP Program highlighted above. If you are not completing that program. Below is a website you can utilize to get additional exam information.
Professional Education Exam Testing Guide (guide include sample questions)
Register for the Professional Education Exam
subject area exam
Some educators may be required to pass a Subject Area Exam (SAE). These exams can be scheduled through the following website: https://www.fl.nesinc.com/
FLDOE Testing Guides (guides include sample questions)
FLDOE - Subject Area Exam Information
Register for a Subject Area Exam
general knowledge
All educators are required to pass the General Knowledge Exam. Fortunately, there now are some options available to educators to waive the General Knowledge Exam requirement.
Register for the General Knowledge Exam
Waiver Option 1:
An educator who has taken and failed the General Knowledge (GK) Test found in Rule 6A-4.0021, F.A.C., is eligible for a waiver of the GK Test if:
1. Subsequent to failing the GK Test, the educator was provided three or more years of support and instruction designed to help the educator pass the GK Test; and
2. The educator’s final summative rating under Section 1012.34, F.S., was either effective or highly effective for each of the three most recent years that the educator was rated.
Waiver Option 2:
Alternative Assessments can be utilized to satisfy GK requirements. The table below provides the cut scores required.
Florida State Statute 1012.42 recognizes that teachers at times must be assigned duties in a class outside the field in which they are certified. The teachers on the report below are state certified, but have been assigned one or more classes outside their areas of certification and are required to take the appropriate steps to comply with Florida Statues. Many are engaged in on-going training to add English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) to their Florida Educators Certificate.
Out-of-Field Teachers (October 2024)
Out-of-Field Teachers (July 2024)